Saturday, November 2, 2013

Ode to Solitude

This evening I thought I would play around with some ideas I recently came up with and maybe would try to get down some early demos of them. Well, I have a chorus for one song, with the working title "Sound", that I tried to arrange and record. It didn't really work out today. I came up with the chords while playing my electric guitar and today I tried to play them with a synth. It can be a bit frustrating when I have a vision of how the feeling of the song would be but I'm still not sure of how to achieve that. Sometimes it just takes time.

However, this evening I came up with a really simple riff on the guitar. I made a quick arrangement with an even simpler chorus and recorded it. I also wrote a few lines and recorded demo vocals. The working title is "Ode to Solitude" for now. The song is very simple and peaceful so I came up with an idea of writing lyrics about taking time to be on your own. I might have to change the lyrics a bit but I'm quite happy with them. I think some parts of them also reflect the recent events in my life, which is interesting. Sometimes when I write lyrics I might understand the theme or themes after they are written.

Anyway, its fun and exciting when a song idea and lyrics just suddenly pour out during an evening even if I tried to achieve something else.

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